Application for membership
සාමාජික අයදුම්පත ඉංග්රීසි මාධ්යයයෙන්
New Muslims Application for Membership
Application form No 1
This application form 1 is only for new Muslims who using Whatsapp.
All services of SRMI Center will be done at no charge from its registered members.
SRMI center is committed to protecting the privacy of all your information.
We will only use that information for your own good and for your good in your Islamic life.
You can fill in several languages or your own language.
If you have the following photos prepared on your computer or phone before you start filling out the application, it will be easy for you.
1) A letter or Shahada certificate from an Islamic center about accepting Islam (if available).
2) A note about your embracing Islam
3) Your most recent photograph
4) Identity Card (or Passport copies) photos
5) Photo of your facebook cover page (optional)
If you are unable to attach images, please send them to us via Whatsapp. If it is mandatory to attach an image, you should attach another (any) image and submit the application.
If your application has been sent properly, a message will appear on your screen informing you that it has been received.
If the application does not go through, a red check will indicate that you have missed the information that you must provide. Complete it and redirect.
Contact us from Whatsapp if you need help filling out the application.
(Whatsapp No-00966546931453)
Application form No - 2
This is for new Muslims who do not have Whatsapp.
They can get membership after submitting us separate application. To obtain the application, please send us your name and your telephone number.
Form No - 3
This is only for new Muslims who do not submit the applications